A real world comparison between Mono, Poly, PERC and Dual PV Modules.
* This is a field test and the results are specific for this installation on this location please research which is the best solution for your own situation as the results can be different based on environmental influences.
Total solar yield as of 27/03/2023 when the results were reset:
Mono: 9158 kWh
Split-cell: 9511 kWh
Poly: 9113 kWh
Perc: 9471 kWh
Perc-east: 1970 kWh
Perc-west: 1730 kWh
Use the VictronConnect app to configure, monitor, update and diagnose your Victron product.
It can connect to Victron products via Bluetooth, USB and WiFi/LAN/Internet.
See the VictronConnect product page for more information.
This package contains:
To connect your computer to a VE.Bus product (Multis, Quattros and Inverters), you need a driver for MK2-USB (ASS030130000) / MK3-USB (ASS030140000) and an RJ45 UTP cable (ASS030064xxx and ASS030065xxx).
To install the MK2-USB / MK3-USB driver on a computer without internet, first download the MK2-USB / MK3-USB driver using VEConfig3 and install it by selecting the menu Special -> USB Drivers. Only afterwards connect the MK2-USB / MK3-USB to your computer for the first time.
On computers with internet, Windows will automatically download the correct driver itself.
Instruction video showing how to program your VE.Bus product in VE.Configure:
Instruction video showing Remote VEConfigure using VRM:
Monitor and manage your Victron Energy system from your phone or tablet. Login with your VRM account, and see all your sites in a list.
For Android users: are you unable to open the apps in the app store? Download the APK files.
Calculate cable size and voltage drop, understand all LED codes from Victron Energy Multi and Quattro inverter/chargers and calculate output power derating for inverters and chargers for the expected ambient temperature. For more detailed product information scan the QR code printed in your Victron equipment with the built-in scanner.
For Android users: are you unable to open the apps in the app store? Download the APK files.
The Victron P&A app allows you to search the current Victron product listing, including stock holding, prices and availability.
* Please note: this app requires an active Victron E-Order login.
For Android users: are you unable to open the apps in the app store? Download the APK files.
Many of our customers integrate our products into their own systems, using data communication protocols. There are several options to establish data communication. This technical information document explains the possibilities.
an Excel sheet to match solar modules to MPPT charge controllers
BMV Battery monitor software.
For models BMV-600 series and 700 series
Use this to update firmware for Victron products that are updateable via a VE.Can communication port. These are:
Refer to the 'Need help connecting?' button in VE Power Setup for detailed connection instructions on all Victron products.
For more information, refer to the VE Power Setup Manual.
Download and run this program when instructed by your Victron Energy contact. By using this software, you accept to show your desktop to a Victron Energy support engineer.
VEConfigure for devices with software versions14xxxxx and 17xx000 - 17xx129
BMV501 Link Software
Software to configure, and also log data from the BlueSolar Grid Inverters
VGR Configure
For both the Victron Global Remote 2 and the Victron Ethernet Remote. Requires VGR firmware 2.0 or higher.
USB Drivers
Download and install these separately. They are not included with VGR Configure. The USB Driver Installer requires java to be installed on your computer. Download it here: http://www.java.com/download/.
Software for BlueSolar PWM-Pro
Manual - BlueSolar PWM-Pro setup and monitoring software